
This brings us to the end of our eight-week Digital Literacy Challenge Series!

As we all know, integrating technology and digital learning experiences into our classrooms can be challenging and even overwhelming. Digital literacy is a big topic, with lots of complexity and many facets to explore. This challenge series was designed to simplify things by distilling the eight competencies from the B.C. Post-Secondary Digital Literacy Framework into bite-sized pieces. You should now have a better understanding of what each competency is, why it’s important, and how you can begin to integrate it into your practice.

The skills and knowledge you have gained over the past eight weeks have created a foundation that you can continue to build on over time. We hope some of your fears have been reduced and you’re now feeling more confident to explore technologies with excitement and curiosity.

So where can you go from here? Since this challenge series provided only a glimpse into each competency, we encourage you to take the Digital Superpower Quiz. This will help you discover the digital skills you excel in and identify opportunities where you can take further action. Then feel free to explore the B.C. Digital Literacy Hub of Digital Literacy Materials for Post-Secondary Educators. It contains a variety of resources that can be used to develop your own skills and help you teach them to your students.

As you’ve seen in many of the challenges, you’re not alone in this digital literacy journey. In addition to the supports available at your institution, additional professional development opportunities and communities of practice are available through:

Remember, small actions lead to big results. We hope you’re feeling more empowered to embrace digital literacy in your work as an educator.

Wrap-Up Activity

Let’s think back to the start of this challenge series, when you were asked to reflect on and share the emotions you were feeling when thinking about digital literacy. Now, at the end of the challenge series, reflect for a moment on how your feelings have changed. In the discussion below, share with us in a sentence or two your response to this question: 

What are you more confident about or curious about when you think about digital literacy?

2 Responses

  • Well, I started my digital literacy journey mid august and made a note August 12th (and i quote): “I am feeling overwhelmed and need to be clear what technology I will be using in the classroom !! I decided CANVAS would be good but there is so much more to consider.” Now, at the end of the challenge series, I reflected for a moment on how my feelings have changed. I decided to share with you in a sentence or two my response to this question:

    Many thanks for your willingness to share the information and resources for this project.

    I was delighted to have the opportunity to catch up with digital literary via BCcampus.

  • I am still excited about digital literacy! I have found new or updated resources here and though not in the classroom at the moment, I am excited to share with my network!

    Thank you!

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